Terms & Conditions

No Fix No Fee - Supplementary Terms

  1. These terms are supplementary to our general Terms & Conditions and must be read in conjunction with them.
  2. The 'No Fix, No Fee' guarantee does not generally apply to any of our Services unless we have carried out a preliminary assessment and agree that the guarantee should apply to a specific Contract or part of a Contract, subject to the general Terms & Conditions, as outlined in our quotation.
  3. The Core Services are the fixed fee, hourly or daily rates as agreed, but excludes additional services for example site visits, presentations and solution implementation.
  4. Should we notify you in writing that the 'No Fix, No Fee' guarantee applies in respect of a specific Contract or part of a Contract:
    1. You are deemed to have accepted these Supplementary Terms when you accept our quotation or from the date of any performance of the Services (whichever happens earlier); and
    2. You will not be required to pay for the Core Services provided under a specific Contract unless:
      1. The issue has been resolved to your satisfaction in accordance with the advice provided by us;
      2. We have provided a reasonable resolution but you or anyone acting on your behalf have failed to implement our advised action(s);
      3. You have failed to comply with the section outlining your obligations under the Terms and Conditions of Service;
      4. The issue is resolved, within 28 days of our most recent assistance or guidance on the matter, by us, anyone acting on our behalf, you, or anyone acting on your behalf; or
      5. Within 28 days of our most recent assistance or guidance on the matter, a resolution is made available by us or any other person or body corporate, whether or not it has been implemented by you.
  5. The acceptance of one Contract or part of a Contract for the 'No Fix, No Fee' guarantee does not imply that other Contracts will also be accepted for this guarantee.

No Fix No Fee Supplementary Terms Last Updated: 1 November 2024