Customer Feedback

4N6 recognises the importance of customer feedback in helping us to deliver the best possible customer experience. By collating, monitoring and acting on our customer feedback, we can design, develop and deliver our products and services based on customer experiences, needs and expectations.

We intended to ensure that our procedures in relation to customer feedback are user-focussed, fair, proportionate, consistent, accessible and easily understood by both customers and employees.

The customer feedback procedures will ensure that for areas where service delivery exceeds expectations it is celebrated and shared and that early action is taken to correct any service delivery that is perceived to be below expectations.

We will use the feedback we receive to monitor our performance to continually improve our service.


This policy applies to all types of customer feedback – compliments, complaints and suggestions. In cases where the feedback would be best handled via an alternative route, it will be referred to that route if possible and you will be advised accordingly.


  • Compliment: praise from a customer or prospective customer, usually an acknowledgement of excellent service by an individual or a team but can commend a process or policy.
  • Suggestion: can cover a wide variety of subjects and usually relate to personal feedback, or an opinion expressed by a customer, prospective customer or third party service provider, on where or how we could make improvements to our service delivery or processes.
  • Complaint: an expression of dissatisfaction about our action, or lack of action, by a customer, prospective customer or third party service provider. This may be about the standard of service provided by us or on our behalf, or the way it was provided.

Providing Feedback

Customers, prospective customers and third party service providers are invited to contact us with feedback in the manner that best suits them:

  • During meetings, including those held online.
  • Via email to [email protected] or your current point of contact.
  • By phone: +44 (0)20 4570 5800
  • By letter to: 4N6, 5th Floor, 167-169 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5PF


Compliments and positive customer feedback will be acknowledged as soon as possible after being received. Positive feedback will be shared with the individual or team concerned and best practice shared across the company.


Suggestions will be acknowledged as soon as possible after being received. We will consider all suggestions received; however, it may not always be appropriate or beneficial to implement suggestions.

Follow up communication should be sent advising of any action that has been or will be taken as a result of the suggestion or to advise that no action will be undertaken at this time, including providing reasons where appropriate.


A complaint can be made by anyone who is dissatisfied with our service, or by someone acting on their behalf and with their consent. We value and treat all complaints seriously, including anonymous complaints. We will consider anonymous complaints if there is enough information to enable us to investigate the matter. If an anonymous complaint does not provide enough information to allow us to act, we may decide not to pursue it further.

We operate a two stage process when dealing with complaints. All complaints will be acknowledged as soon as possible after being received.

Stage One

Stage one complaints may be made to any member of staff, who may deal with the complaint themselves or refer the matter to more senior colleagues also under the stage one procedure. This is designed for issues that are straightforward and easily resolved, requiring little or no investigation. The outcome will be an explanation, apology or other reasonable course of action to resolve the complaint quickly within five working days, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

The complainant should be given information about escalating the complaint to stage two if they do not appear to be satisfied with the stage one response to their complaint.

The complaint details, outcome and action are recorded to allow oversight of areas of the business which may need improvement.

Stage Two

Where the complainant remains dissatisfied following the stage one response, or where a complaint is complex or serious and requires a detailed and thorough investigation, this will be managed at stage two.

A stage two investigation aims to establish all the facts relevant to the points made in the complaint and to give the complainant a full, objective and proportionate response following investigation.

The complaint should be acknowledged as soon as possible and not later than three working days after receipt. A full response must provided to the complainant confirming if the complaint has been upheld, partially upheld, or not upheld, as soon as possible and within 20 working days, unless there are exceptional circumstances. The response will outline any remedies proposed by us in response to the complaint. The complaint details, outcome and action are recorded to allow oversight of areas of the business which may need improvement.

Internal Review

Should the complainant be dissatisfied with the outcome of the Stage Two investigation, they may request an internal review specifying the grounds within 30 days of the Stage Two outcome. This will aim to ensure that we have complied with all legal and contractual obligations, and ascertain whether the Stage Two response is manifestly unreasonable on some other grounds.

A request for an internal review should be acknowledged as soon as possible. The outcome of the internal review should be provided within 10 working days, unless there are exceptional circumstances. The details of the internal review will be recorded to provide insights into improvements that may be necessary to the feedback procedures, allowing them to work effectively and in an equitable manner.

External Appeals or Arbitration

In relation to our certification activities, you may appeal to the scheme administrator where relevant. Details of this will be provided following the internal review.

Should the complainant be a customer and remain dissatisfied following completion of the internal review, they can ask for an arbitrator to be appointed, in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of Service, to conduct an independent external review of their complaint. Please note that both 4N6 and the customer will be expected to contribute to the costs of arbitration.

Customer Feedback Policy Last Updated: 6 December 2024.