Cyber Security Advisory Service

We can advise and guide you on cyber and information security, including how remedy and mitigate vulnerabilities, recommendations for endpoint protection solutions, data protection advice and how to establish an information security management system.

Assess Cyber Security Risks

We help you to identify information security risks and cyber security threats to your organisation.

Remediate and Mitigate

We advise and guide you in putting in place countermeasures to any identified risks, whether that's organisational or technical or a combination of the two.

Pragmatic Guidance

We recognise there cannot be a 'one size fits all' approach, so we aim to find the most reasonable and effective solution for your organisation.

Policy Development and Improvement

We help you to enhance your policies to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Incident Response

Unfortunately, incidents can occur. It is the reaction of an organisation that determines the result. We can provide expert advice in the crucial first hours and days after an incident, helping you remedy issues quickly.


In the aftermath of an incident, you'll usually want to get to the bottom of what went wrong and why. We can assist or lead investigations and provide guidance on preventing a reoccurrence.

Ready to find out how we can assist you?

Contact us today to find our how we can help you improve your information and cyber security.
Or find out more about our vCISO service below.

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer

What is a Chief Information Security Officer?

The CISO is a senior-level executive that has the responsibility for establishing and maintaining the strategy and operational programmes to ensure information assets and technologies are protected in accordance with legal requirements and best practice. They are the expert within your organisation to ensure you keep your information safe from loss, leaks and cyber attacks.

The board of directors rarely possess the specialist skills and experience needed to advise on today's complex technologies to keep your data protected and to combat cyber criminals. They therefore often have to rely on external collaboration.

Why choose our virtual CISO service?

Our vCISO service is designed to fill the skills gap many organisations find they have. You'll receive a board-level advisor that can sit within your business virtually as and when you need them. This allows you to pragmatically manage your information security strategy, budget, organisational risks and regulatory requirements.

We understand the current information risk environment in which you operate and receive regular briefings from the Information Commissioner's Office and the National Cyber Security Centre. The vCISO service intends to inform, influence and support your senior leaders in making appropriate information security decisions for your organisation.

What can the vCISO do for us?

  • Provides clear advice to a range of audiences
  • Accessible as an online service
  • Help you meet your information security objectives
  • Reduce the risk of cyber attacks, which could prevent substantial financial harm by limiting damage, reducing potential breaches and protecting your reputation
  • Coordinate security breaches and incident investigations
  • Implement remediation and mitigation strategies to prevent future breaches
  • Deliver presentations about your current strategy and information security posture to key stakeholders
  • Independent reviews and audits of your business, helping you prioritise issues and facilitate resolution
  • Access to your own cyber security professional

How do we get started?

Get in touch with us to arrange an initial discussion to see how we can help you. Our standard offer is £500+VAT per month for 5 hours of remote support and guidance. This gives you access to technical knowledge and expertise when you need it. We'll also be a point of contact should you experience any security incidents or issues.

Ready to improve your information security?

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help your organisation.