Terms & Conditions

Incident Investigations - Supplementary Terms

  1. These terms are supplementary to our Terms & Conditions of Service and must be read in conjunction with them.
  2. Should you order our Incident Investigation service, in respect to a specific Contract you are deemed to have accepted these Supplementary Terms when you accept our quotation or from the date of any performance of the Services (whichever happens earlier).
  3. Each of the packaged service levels include limits on the services we provide under that specific service level as outlined:
    1. Essential
      1. 50 pages of documentation and communications
      2. Statements from 5 staff members
      3. Interviews with 3 staff members
      4. One revision of the draft report to produce the final report
      5. A maximum of 10 hours of work
    2. Enhanced
      1. 200 pages of documentation and communications
      2. Statements from 10 staff members
      3. Interviews with 5 staff members
      4. Liaison with external suppliers
      5. A maximum of 20 hours of work
    3. Elite
      1. Introductory webinar of a maximum 30 minutes duration
      2. 400 pages of documentation and communications
      3. Statements from 20 staff members
      4. Interviews with 10 staff members
      5. Liaison with external suppliers
      6. Presentation with a maximum 30 minutes duration covering the findings and recommendations included in the written report
      7. A maximum of 40 hours of work
  4. In each of these limits the following definitions shall apply:
    1. A page is one A4 page or a maximum 500 words, whichever is the lower. Where the documentation provided is not in terms of A4 pages or number of words, a reasonable conversion will be applied. For example, a large A0-sized plan will be converted according to the amount of information it contains, up to a maximum of the paper size converted to A4 (e.g. A0 is sixteen A4 sheets).
    2. A statement includes the initial request which may be customised to the particular staff member and one reminder, if necessary. The written statement will be included in the limits on documentation and communications.
    3. An interview includes arranging, preparation for and holding one interview for a duration of up to 30 minutes with one staff member.
    4. Liaison with external suppliers must be agreed in advance between you and the external supplier and will require an introduction by you; that is, we will not cold contact your external suppliers.
    5. Hours will not include an initial consultation usually of 30 minutes duration, any sales and marketing, invoicing, payment processing or any similar related business administration or, in the case of a site visit, travel time.
  5. Any Services provided in excess of these limits will be charged in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of Service.
  6. The findings of our investigation may not be used for any HR or disciplinary proceedings with exception of the following:
    1. Actions with prima facie malicious intent carried out by an employee or agent;
    2. Probationary periods;
    3. Multiple repeated failures to carry out reasonable management requests;
    4. Actions on multiple separate occasions indicating a lack of capability in the role; or
    5. Other circumstances analogous to the above.
  7. You must notify us and have our consent in advance should you wish to use our report or the findings of it in any HR or disciplinary cases. In the case of malicious intent, our consent will be automatic. In all other cases, we reserve the right to decline consent, but our consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
  8. The purpose of disallowing the use of our incident investigation reports or the findings in disciplinary proceedings in general is to ensure that any stakeholders feel able to speak freely and openly to us during the investigation process. This applies to your investigation and any future investigations we may undertake for you or other parties.
  9. You permit your employees or former employees to contact us about and provide evidence of any alleged breach of the requirement to receive our consent, and you will refrain from any retaliatory action against them.
  10. Should you breach the requirement to have our consent for the use of our report or its findings in disciplinary proceedings, we can recover from you damages for, inter alia, real or perceived harm to our reputation, including the potential impact this may have on our services or the efficacy of those services. This compensation will be a minimum of five thousand pounds for each person against whom our report or findings are used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used. We may use the damages, without obligation, to assist your employees or former employees how, when and to an extent we deem appropriate.
  11. You acknowledge and agree that damages alone may not be an adequate remedy for any breach of the terms of this agreement. Accordingly, we shall be entitled, at your cost, to the remedies of injunctions, specific performance or other equitable relief for any threatened or actual breach of this agreement by you.

Incident Investigations Supplementary Terms Last Updated: 1 November 2024